Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's A...!!

Here we are sitting in the exact same booth we sat in when we found out Greyson was a boy...what a coincidence. We managed to order our food and eat our salads before we had Eric (the waiter) open the envelope. I was willing to wait until after dinner, but Chad was eager and wanted to discuss names during dinner. Not having to twist my arm, we handed the envelope to Eric and watched him open it. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" he said. Needing to see some proof, I reached for the ultrasound picture and took a peek...there it was clear as day, a penis! The picture is kind of grainy and small, but trust me, it's there! We are so very excited that Greyson is going to have a little we just have to agree on a name!


M or J said...

Congratulations! I was hoping you'd be having a boy - now that I have a little boy I want ten of them! Not really, but I just love, love, love everything about baby boys. Now Greyson will have a buddy. Yay!

Katrina said...

Congratulations!!! It will be so fun for Greyson to have a brother to grow up with. I love having 2 boys close together! Hope you are feeling well & surviving the heat!!

Kristen said...

YEAH! A boy! So what is the top ten list of names? You should blog it and let people give you their opinions....and then go with a name that isn't even on the list just to spite them! hahaha Greyson and this little one are so lucky to have a mom like you!