Our trip to the pumpkin patch didn't go quite as well as I had hoped. The biggest problem was related to the fact that we live in AZ and it is still a million degrees in October. For those that are unaware, heat is known to cause extreme irritability. Greyson just wasn't having it and I really couldn't blame him. I made the poor guy wear his festive, long sleeve shirt with shorts that were ridiculously too large and made out of a material that should be celebrated for it's enveloping warmth.
Here is Greyson with Carter, Celia and Brayden.
Greyson's thoughts: "Big pumpkin or little pumpkin?"
My thoughts: "Did I really put those shorts/flood pants on my kid and leave the house today?"
He briefly forgot that he was crabby.

When Chad saw this picture he was mortified and actually asked me if I let Greyson pet the pig. Of course I let Greyson pet the pig, the petting zoo was the highlight of my day!
My shirtless little pumpkin picker was mesmerized by the tractor. However, it was only a matter of minutes before the tractor was just a tractor. Greyson was ready for his crib, paci and blue blankie.
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