Monday, July 22, 2024

Ode to Chad Mirr - My Hunting Husband

"Please tell me hunting season is almost over!" Said every hunter's wife that ever lived.

Ode to My Hunting Husband

For the first 39 years of my life, the phrase "hunting season" was nonexistent in my vocabulary. I have absolutely nothing against hunting, it just wasn't something anyone in my family ever did. At age 28 I met and later married a Midwest charmer that spent as many hours hunting in his adolescent years as I did shopping at Wet Seal and Contempo. However, it wasn't until we moved to Kansas 2 years ago and purchased hunting land that I learned that my husband actually BLEEDS camouflage. I had no idea just how much my husband loves hunting. Nor was I aware that he actually CAN be a morning person under the right circumstances (running is not one). By golly, when the opportunity arises to sit in a tree stand and freeze his a@@ off in 20° weather at 4am in hopes to come in contact with an 8 point buck, you'd think he was a 7 year-old kid on Christmas morning!

Now that deer hunting season is coming to an end (Thank You Jesus), I have a confession to make: aside from the fact that I have never once been to the hunting property we own, I'm not the greatest hunter's wife. It's the cold hard truth. I try really hard to be selfless and let him enjoy his hunts. I honestly do LOVE how happy it makes him to be in his heaven on earth. But I know for a fact that I want him to come home with a dang buck far more than he does!!!! 1 buck puts an end to hunting season πŸ™πŸ™Œ least temporarily. 

I'm not gonna lie, the jealousy starts to kick in a bit by the end of the first month of deer season. 

-If you could see the way his eyes light up when he scrolls through all of those pictures from his trail cam on a daily basis😍. I'm not sure if even wearing my sexiest lingerie could make his mouth water the way those buck eating from his feeder do πŸ€”. 

-The number of goodbye hugs diminish during deer season as well. What can I say? I like my hugs, physical touch is my #2 love language 🀷‍♀️. If he happens to dress before leaving the house, he mustn't risk picking up any scent on his clothing. Afterall, he took the time to thoroughly wash everything in scent free detergent and then store it in the scent crusher ozone gear bag overnight. 

-And let's not forget about all of the giddy text messages he sends back and forth with his hunting buddies. The cute little jokes and dates they plan πŸ€—. I remember once being on the receiving end of those "flirty" messages. The text messages I get during hunting season go something like, "So honey, what do you have planned tomorrow?" Let's be real clear, he's not asking me on a date. That's code for, "Can I please go hunting?"πŸ™„

I do REALLY REALLY love my hunting husband even though I can get a little testy and irritated at times. And since I do try to find the bright side in all situations, here is a list of the benefits of his hunting addiction.

-It keeps him of the streets. πŸ˜‰

-I love the things my kids learn while hunting with their dad. Hunting teaches my boys about hard work, patience, respect for guns (and bows for that matter), respect for nature, about self-sustainability, and that there is more to life than just video games. For my husband, it isn’t about getting to kill something, it’s about spending time with the boys while passing down a legacy of an intense love of the outdoors.

-It’s kinda super hot that my husband can feed our family with his keen hunting skills. Now I personally don't stray from cows, chickens, turkey and tuna in a can, but there is something undeniably irresistible about the mountain man in him. And I will gladly allow ONE trophy to hang on a wall in our home.

-The alone time when all 3 boys are out hunting is pretty hard to beat. I certainly love having them here, but pure silence is quite exhilarating.

I am officially a Hunter's wife. It's a fact that I will happily live with...most of the time. But I sure would love to have a date penciled in on the calendar in the very near future ❤. Thinking this might also be a good time to remind you that our anniversary is in 3 days. Try to avoid looking at your weather app. I don't want to feel guilty for the wind blowing in the perfect direction while you are sitting at dinner with me. And a picnic in the tree stand is out of the question! I do love you Chad Mirr! 😘