Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Auntie it-ey

Greyson LOVES his Auntie Whitney (it-ey)! He thinks she's the cat's meow. She is a singer/song writer and recently started a live online broadcast that airs every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 7:30 (AZ Time)...this is the link http://www.ustream.tv/channel/whitney-steele-s-favorite-show

I always make a bowl of popcorn for our little family to share during the show. Greyson gets so excited when it's about to start. He points to Whitney's profile picture on the screen and blurts out, "it-ey! it-ey! it-ey!" Here are a few pictures I took of him watching the first show that aired.
"it-ey! it-ey! it-ey!"
Snacking on his popcorn with his eyes glued to the screen.
Going in for a close-up...
I really hope he doesn't have my family's bad eyes!


Whitney Steele said...

OMG! Please tell me you are kidding me right now!!!! That is my sweet little nephew boy! I just want to pick him up right now and squeeze him!!! I hope he calls me it-ey forever...LOL!

Brooke said...

That's got to be the cutest thing ever! I think lil' Greyson is Aunt Whitney's biggest fan!