Thursday, November 19, 2009

Greyson Finally Says "Mama"

Hearing your child say his first words is such an exciting moment for parents. In our case, Greyson said his first words at 10 months. Of course he was not rambling off big fancy words, rather words like, uh-oh, touch, hi, and Chad's favorite, da da. I was aware that most babies usually say da da before mama since developmentally the da da sound is one of the easier sounds to make. I let Chad think he was extra special for about 4 minutes and then I felt it was necessary to clear up any confusion he may have had. :-)

By 11 months Greyson was saying a lot of words. Whether they were words we taught him or words he just heard and repeated, new words were constantly flowing out of the mouth of our babe. All of these words, yet he would not say mama. His first birthday came and went; still no mama. The big shot began throwing out 4-syllable words like alligator and helicopter. It was apparent that this was now a game for Greyson. When asked to say mama his response was da da. I figured if I quit asking him to say it then it would just happen when I least expected it. My patience was running weary!

He is now 13 months and all I can envision is Greyson at his high school graduation giving his valedictorian speech, "This is the day that someone very special to me thought would never come. It has been 18 long years, but the time is here." Then he glances up at me sitting in the stands and out comes that little four letter word, "Mama." *drag needle across record* Ridiculous, I know. Don't worry, my absurd thought no longer exists. Today is a day that goes down in our family history book (or blog rather)! Greyson called me mama! If only you could have seen the joy in my face!